[学联公告] 2013哈德华人春晚(中国办公室暨) 邀请 2013 Huddersfield Chinese New Year Gala invitations

一 29, 2013   //  作者:admin   //   学联公告, 学联新闻  //  没有评论


Dear all the students in the University of Huddersfield, and all the Chinese people in Huddersfield,



First, representing all the Chinese Students and Scholars Association Huddersfield (CSSAHUD), I wish you all the best in the Year of Snake!



The 2013 Chinese New Year will come very soon. To celebrate this important festival, the CSSAHUD will organise a grand celebration gala in campus, under the support from the University of Huddersfield (the International Office, the China Office):



2013 Huddersfield Chinese New Year Gala

  • 时间 Time: 15Feb 7:30PM - 10:30PM
  • 地点 Venue: University’s St Paul’s Hall



The 2013 gala involves over twenty performances from Chinese students, professional performance team and other CSSA communities. Program examples include: Martial arts (boxing & with weapons), lion dance, traditional Chinese musical instruments performance (Guzheng, Hulusi, Taodi, Pipa), and other modern humorous programs (like cross talk,  witty skits, modern dance and piano performance).


此外我们准备了总价值超过300英镑的抽奖礼品价值129镑的Kindle Fire,价值59镑的拍立得相机2套,以及多种USB sticks 和愤怒的小鸟玩具)。所有参与购票者,均有机会获得以上奖品(获奖概率超过10%)。

In addition, over £300 lucky-draw prizes have been prepared, e.g. Kindle Fire, Fujifilm instant cameras, and may usb sticks and Angry Bird theme toys. The winning rate for each ticket is over 10%.


此次春晚票价从1磅到4磅不等(详情请见哈德学联网页https://www.hudcssa.org/?p=2580 以及学联微博,人人网)。我们还为每个参加晚会朋友准备一份精美的礼品。

The ticket prices of this year gala starts from £1 to £4 depending on ticket types. Please refer to the gala webpage https://www.hudcssa.org/?p=2580 for more information. Every audience will have a secret present.



The vice-chancellor, deans and other important persons will also be invited for this event。I wish all of you can join the grand celebration of the 2013 Year of snake, and enjoy art show from far-east.



  1. 网络购票,请点击https://www.hudcssa.org/?p=2580
  2. 或 前往购票办公室直接买票,地点在Student Union iZone (1st floor)
  3. 或 电话联系
    • 学校CE3/07             联系人:唐大为         联系方式:07447921121
    • Aspley                 联系人:陈娜丽莎      联系方式:07869773586
    • Little Aspley          联系人:薛佳琪         联系方式:07761764267
    • Storthes Hall          联系人: 余阳            联系方式:07447495712

Buying tickets:

  1. Online booking, by clicking https://www.hudcssa.org/?p=2580
  2. Or you can go to the ticketing office: Student Union iZone (1st floor)
  3. Or telephone or text to the following persons
    • Campus              Mr David         Tel: 07447921121
    • Aspley              Miss Lisa      Tel: 07869773586
    • Little Aspley       Miss Jiaqi         Tel: 07761764267
    • Storthes Hall       Mr Yang Yu          Tel: 07447495712


王健   Jian Wang


President of the CSSAHUD 2013



To see our earlier gala programs, click below the Youtube videos.
